How We Did It: Higher Ground 3 Talkin' Dirt
Devised Script Development
Higher Ground 3: Talkin' Dirt
Who: Linda Parris-Bailey/Carpetbag Theatre (CBT), The Higher Ground Project at Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College (SKCTC) Appalachian Program
What: The third installment of the Higher Ground series of original works. Higher Ground focused on the forces that held young people in the community and the forces that pushed them out as well as the unheard stories of the African-American community.
Why: To engage a broad section of community residents in creating performances in Southeast Kentucky and to develop the scripting process of the third Higher Ground play.
When: 2010-2011
Where: The Harlan, Benham and Lynch communities of Southeast Kentucky
When: 2008
Where: Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton communities of Lehigh Valley, Eastern Pennsylvania